Informační schůzka pro studenty k EIB Summer School 2023: Exploring the EU Climate Bank (Luxembourg) /14.3./
Zveme studenty FMV na setkání se zástupci Evropské investiční banky k možnosti studovat EIB Summer School 2023 v Lucembursku. Informační schůzka se uskuteční 14. 3. od 16:15 v místnosti NB D.
Informace o letní škole:
EIB Summer School 2023: Exploring the EU Climate Bank
June 27 – July 7, 2023 Luxembourg
The EIB Group is composed by the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund. The EIB Group is the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance. Since 2019 the EIB follows bold ambitions for climate finance to back the European Green Deal and make Europe carbon neutral.
The EIB Summer School is a 10 day programme for graduate students to learn about the core activities and responsibilities of the EIB Group (European Investment Bank, European Investment Fund, EIB Institute). It is organised every year in June/July in Luxembourg. All lecturers are EIB and EIF staff members who offer first-hand insights about the world’s largest multilateral lender and issuer that cannot be found in academic textbooks.
Více informací a přihlašování naleznete na intranetu FMV.