Financing Sustainable Investments

Learn about investment paths, funding, and the entire business cycle of project appraisals and financing, with real-world case studies illustrating the practical implementation of sustainability in financial contexts.

Embark on a transformative journey with the “EIB – Sustainability in Investments” course, where you’ll unravel the crucial role played by the European Investment Bank Group. As the investment powerhouse of the European Union and the world’s largest international financial institution, the EIB Group takes center stage in championing sustainability within the vast landscape of investments.

This course goes beyond theory, providing students and practitioners with both theoretical and practical insights into the expansive world of EIB investments. Delve into the intricacies of EIB policies and grasp the profound impact they have on a global scale. Gain the knowledge to navigate the entire business cycle of project appraisals and financing, with real-world case studies illustrating the practical implementation of sustainability in financial contexts.

Moreover, empower yourself with a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles governing sustainability in both debt and equity financing and advisory. Explore the complexities surrounding green and sustainable bonds, gaining valuable insights into the cutting-edge practices shaping the future of responsible finance.

Gained Competencies

  1. Assess various frameworks under the EU Taxonomy and understand its dynamics

  2. Assess materiality impact on both (i) impact materiality and (ii) financial materiality level (i.e., grasping and understanding of the ‘double materiality’ concept)

  3. Formulate, implement, and evaluate corporate sustainability reporting

This course is suitable for students and practitioners in the field of financial intermediaries, loan officers, risk managers, or others interested in the role of public resources in financing sustainability and green transformation, particularly through the European Investment Bank.

The course will provide knowledge on how to critically analyse and evaluate sustainability-related risks and opportunities on a corporate level (using ESG factors) and how they affect business as usual scenario. Further to understand three corporate sustainability reporting areas: (i) strategy, (ii) implementation, and (iii) performance measurement, which integrate and show both corporate decision-making and reporting cycle and associated processes in a structured and logical manner. The course focuses on both theoretical and practical insights into the expansive world of EIB investments.

Further course dates are planned for fall 2025. The exact dates and additional details will be available soon, so please check our website for the latest updates.

The course is led by experts from the European financial sector, who will speak in the course on pre-announced dates.

Preliminary schedule of the course: 

  • TBA “General Presentation of the EIB – economic and political role”  
  • TBA – “EIB impact and activities in the Czech Republic” 
  • TBA –“Business cycle and EIB Lending”
  • TBA – “Sustainable Finance & ESG and EIB Climate Bank Roadmap”
  • TBA – “General Presentation of the EIF”
  • TBA – “Just transition – a case study”

The course is also supplemented with activities in the online Moodle environment, where students will further develop their knowledge and competencies.

If you are interested, please contact us at:

  • Autor: PR FMV
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