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Nicole Grmenlová, Petr Štěpánek, Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela: Different regulatory approaches to enhanced water protection in selected European jurisdictions
This paper presents the results of the analysis of initiatives taken by selected European Union member states concerning enhanced water protection with respect to ownership and management of water resources and water distribution systems. Two of the countries studied have recently enacted their constitutional protection of water (Slovakia and Slovenia), one country is planning to reinforce the protection of water in its constitution (Czech Republic) and one state found the constitutional protection of water unnecessary (Finland). Whereas the reasons for (not) protecting water at the constitutional level vary widely, the common denominator is a strong support for protecting water as resource.
GRMELOVÁ, Nicole, LÄHTEENMÄKI-UUTELA, Anu, ŠTĚPÁNEK, Petr. Different regulatory approaches to enhanced water protection in selected European jurisdictions. Water International [online]. 2023, roč. 48, č. 2 March, s. 1–15. eISSN 1941-1707. ISSN 0250-8060. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2023.2177052.
Q2 I IF: 3.395

Jakub Eberle: Understanding German Foreign Policy in the (Post-)Merkel Era – Review Essay
This essay reviews four recent books on Germany’s foreign policy with emphasis on the era of Angela Merkel. The evaluation is based on their (a) added value to scholarship on German foreign policy, (b) theoretical sophistication and contribution to IR, and (c) relevance also for the post-Merkel era.
EBERLE, Jakub. Understanding German Foreign Policy in the (Post-)Merkel Era – Review Essay. International studies review [online]. 2023, roč. 25, č. 2, č. čl. viad007. 16 s. eISSN 1468-2486. ISSN 1521-9488. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viad007.
Q1 I IF: 4.342

Vincenzo Merella, Esteban Jaimovich, Boryana Madzharova: Inside the white box: Unpacking the determinants of quality and vertical specialization
This paper explores patterns of quality differentiation and specialization relying on model-level panel data of retail sales and prices of refrigerators across 23 countries in the European Union. Unlike customs data aggregated at the product category, typically used in the trade literature, model-level data allow us to test for the presence of nonhomotheticities by comparing market shares of identical models across different markets. We measure quality at the model level, account for varying willingness-to-pay for quality at different incomes, and link quality measures to objective model attributes.
JAIMOVICH, Esteban, MADZHAROVA, Boryana, MERELLA, Vincenzo. Inside the white box: Unpacking the determinants of quality and vertical specialization. European Economic Review [online]. 2023, roč. 152, č. čl. 104374. 8 s. eISSN 1873-572X. ISSN 0014-2921. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104374.
Q1 I IF: 2.445

Jaroslav Weinfurter: Security beyond Biopolitics: The Spheropolitics, Co-Immunity, and Atmospheres of the Coronavirus Pandemic
This article explores the limitations of the oft-used biopolitical frameworks of interpreting the regulatory emergency measures that have been enacted worldwide in the face of the spreading pandemic of COVID-19. Not only have the state responses to coronavirus often been beset by manner of “biopolitical failures,” it is also the Foucauldian emphasis on the top-down formation and application of immunity that produces a view of health security that is much too narrow. In proposing an alternative framework, the article draws from the spherology of Peter Sloterdijk and suggests a transition from bio- to a distinctly sphero-political theory of immunity that is capable of integrating the ontological synergies that exist between human bodies, spaces, and atmospheres. More specifically, the spheropolitics of coronavirus are discussed in relation to the security dispositif of the household and examined through the case of the Czech Republic.
WEINFURTER, Jaroslav. Security beyond Biopolitics: The Spheropolitics, Co-Immunity, and Atmospheres of the Coronavirus Pandemic. International Political Sociology [online]. 2023, roč. 17, č. 1, č. čl. olad003, s. 1–38. eISSN 1749-5687. ISSN 1749-5679. DOI: 10.1093/ips/olad003.
Q1 I IF: 3.229

Nikola Adamovská, Michaela Zemanová a Bilal Bahadir Karaca: The way out of a crisis? The role of cities in the process of Europeanisation: a case study of Thessaloniki city diplomacy
The article is focused on the circumstances that push cities to undertake diplomatic action and the consequent implications for the Europeanization process of the region. The conclusions reveal that Thessaloniki city diplomacy leverages the Europeanization of the region and has the capacity to complement the Greek government’s foreign policy. The article also argues that the cross-border exposure of cities implies possibilities for further Europeanization of the region.
ADAMOVSKÁ, Nikola, ZEMANOVÁ, Michaela, KARACA, Bilal Bahadir. The way out of a crisis? The role of cities in the process of Europeanisation: a case study of Thessaloniki city diplomacy. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies [online]. 2022, roč. 22, č. 28 September, s. 1–19. eISSN 1743-9639. ISSN 1468-3857. DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2022.2127182.
Q1 I IF: 2.516

Zbyněk Dubský a Lukáš Tichý: The European Union as a Recognised Energy Actor in Relations with the Russian Federation
The article draws on an analysis of the discourse—and the topics within it—of public statements by Russian political leaders and officials regarding energy relations with the European Union in the period 2014–2019.
DUBSKÝ, Zbyněk, TICHÝ, Lukáš. The European Union as a Recognised Energy Actor in Relations with the Russian Federation, 2014-2019. Europe-Asia Studies [online]. 2022, roč. 74, č. 10, s. 1846–1870. eISSN 1465-3427. ISSN 0966-8136. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2022.2107614.
Q1 I IF: 1.180

Jakub Eberle a Jan Daniel: Anxiety geopolitics: Hybrid warfare, civilisational geopolitics, and the Janus-faced politics of anxiety
Working at the intersection of political geography and international relations, this article does two things. First, it theorises the relationship between geopolitics and anxiety. Second, it uses this conceptual lens to analyse and critique the discourse of ‘hybrid warfare’.
EBERLE, Jakub, DANIEL, Jan. Anxiety geopolitics: Hybrid warfare, civilisational geopolitics, and the Janus-faced politics of anxiety. Political Geography [online]. 2022, roč. 92, č. January, č. čl. 102502. 9 s. ISSN 0962-6298. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102502. Dostupné také z:
Q1 I IF: 3.620

Jana Vlčková, Vojtěch Kadlec, Viktor Květoň, Jiří Blažek a Petr Horák: Contrasting patterns and dynamics of patent offshoring in European regions
The paper explains the association between research and development (R&D) offshoring and regional innovation performance. Drawing on selected literature from the intersection of economics, innovation studies, strategic management and economic geography, we explore how the rate of patent offshoring reflects regional performance as well as how an increased rate of offshoring affects regions.
KADLEC, Vojtěch, KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, VLČKOVÁ, Jana, BLAŽEK, Jiří, HORÁK, Petr. Contrasting patterns and dynamics of patent offshoring in European regions. The Journal of Technology Transfer [online]. 2022, roč. 47, č. 03 October. eISSN 1573-7047. ISSN 0892-9912. DOI: 10.1007/s10961-022-09968-4.
Q2 I IF: 5.337

Vincenzo Merella a Stephen E. Satchell: By force of confidence
Motivated by empirical finance contributions and conventional wisdom, we abstract from a consumption-centric analysis and let the asset-pricing kernel depend on habit formation and consumer confidence as a demand shifter correlated with consumption growth.
MERELLA, Vincenzo, SATCHELL, Stephen E. By force of confidence. European Economic Review [online]. 2022, roč. 150, č. čl. 104311. 16 s. eISSN 1873-572X. ISSN 0014-2921. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104311. Dostupné také z:
Q1 I IF: 2.445

Markéta Votoupalová: The Schengen Area as a fair-weather project? A discursive analysis of solidarity
Theoretically drawing on the concept of solidarity and methodologically employing the Discourse Historical Approach (DHA), this study attempts to find out how solidarity is conceptualised in legislative and political discourse on Schengen cooperation.
VOTOUPALOVÁ, Markéta. The Schengen Area as a fair-weather project? A discursive analysis of solidarity. Journal of International Relations and Development [online]. 2022, roč. 25, č. 3, s. 685–708. eISSN 1581-1980. ISSN 1408-6980. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-022-00258-y.
Q2 I IF: 1.333

Jaroslav Weinfurter: Emergence of the Revolutionary Subject: Evolutionary Psychology and the Exaptive Tactics of the Everyday
This article proposes an alternative view of the revolutionary subject. By building on insights from the critical streams of evolutionary psychology, it argues for the notion of revolutionary consciousness to be grounded in the categories of ‘exaptive actorness’ which are most notably manifested in everyday micropolitics.
WEINFURTER, Jaroslav. Emergence of the Revolutionary Subject: Evolutionary Psychology and the Exaptive Tactics of the Everyday. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science [online]. 2022, roč. 56, č. 4, s. 1029–1054. ISSN 1932-4502. DOI: 10.1007/s12124-021-09630-y.
Q1 I IF: 1.156

Kateřina Kočí, Klára Benešová a Zuzana Fellegi: Work and Family Balance in Top Diplomacy: The Case of the Czech Republic
Tato studie zkoumá hlavní výzvy, které ovlivňují kariéru špičkových diplomatek a diplomatů, pomocí kvantitativních a kvalitativních dat, včetně oficiálních statistik a dokumentů MZV ČR a rozhovorů s nejvyššími diplomaty a úředníky.
While female representation in the top diplomatic circles was almost nonexistent during the Czechoslovak era, the number of female diplomats in the Czech Republic has steadily increased since the fall of the state-socialist regime. Women are currently solidly represented in the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), but very few (14%) reach highest diplomatic positions. This study examines the main challenges that influence the careers of top diplomats using quantitative and qualitative data, including official statistics and documents of the Czech MFA and interviews with top diplomats and officials.
FELLEGI, Zuzana, KOČÍ, Kateřina, BENEŠOVÁ, Klára. Work and Family Balance in Top Diplomacy: The Case of the Czech Republic. Politics & Gender [online]. 2022, č. 12. 5., s. 1–27. eISSN 1743-9248. ISSN 1743-923X. DOI: 10.1017/S1743923X21000489.
Q1 I IF: 2.088

Jeremy Alan Garlick a Fangxing Qin: China's Ideational Influence in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and European Scholars' Interpretations of China-CEE Cooperation
Chinese and European scholarly debates on China’s relations with Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have steadily heated up since the introduction of the 16/17 + 1 cooperation mechanism in 2012. However, they have tended to take place in discrete linguistic and academic bubbles. This article has three aims: first, to introduce Chinese scholarly debates on China-CEE cooperation to an Anglophone readership; second, to conduct a critical assessment of Chinese and European scholars’ inclusions and omissions; and third, to compare the narratives presented by Chinese scholars concerning China-CEE cooperation with European scholars’ interpretations.
GARLICK, Jeremy Alan, QIN, Fangxing. China’s Ideational Influence in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and European Scholars‘ Interpretations of China-CEE Cooperation. Journal of Contemporary China [online]. 2022, s. 1–15. eISSN 1469-9400. ISSN 1067-0564. DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2022.2052443.
Q1 I IF: 3.748

Tomáš Sadílek, Ondřej Kročil a Michal Müller: What motivates Czech social entrepreneurs? A qualitative study from an unfavorable social entrepreneurship environment
Článek zkoumá, co motivuje podnikatele upřednostňovat sociální podnikání před podnikáním komerčním. V hloubkových rozhovorech jsme zkoumali, co sociální podnikatele motivovalo sociální podnikání zahájit a pokračovat v něm. Výzkum je proveden v České republice, jejíž podnikatelské prostředí není vůči sociálním podnikům tak vstřícné jako v zemích západní Evropy. Souhrnné výsledky kvalitativní studie mezi 27 podnikateli podpořené prezentací pěti minipříběhů popisují, jak sociální podnikatelé čelí překážkám a jak vnímají postupné změny ve společnosti, které jim dávají motivaci v sociálním podnikání setrvat. Identifikujeme také osm motivů, proč se stát sociálním podnikatelem, a ukazujeme, jak se tyto motivy prolínají.
SADÍLEK, Tomáš, KROČIL, Ondřej, MÜLLER, Michal. What motivates Czech social entrepreneurs? A qualitative study from an unfavorable social entrepreneurship environment. Nonprofit Management & Leadership [online]. 2022, č. 11 April, s. 1–2. eISSN 1542-7854. ISSN 1048-6682. DOI: 10.1002/nml.21510.
Q3 I IF: 3.044

Gaziza Shakhanova a Petr Kratochvíl: The Patriotic Turn in Russia: Political Convergence of the Russian Orthodox Church and the State?
Článek zkoumá církevní politiku v oblasti vlastenectví a vlastenecké výchovy, její reinterpretaci historické paměti a roli církve v ruské politice.
SHAKHANOVA, Gaziza, KRATOCHVÍL, Petr. The Patriotic Turn in Russia: Political Convergence of the Russian Orthodox Church and the State? Politics and Religion [online]. 2022, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 114–141. eISSN 1755-0491. ISSN 1755-0483. DOI: 10.1017/S1755048320000620.
Q3 I IF: 1.650

Petr Janeček, Lenka Červová, Ivica Linderová a Petr Scholz: Green Management Implementation – a Case of the Bulgarian Hotel Market
Článek se zaměřuje na ekologický provoz ubytovacích služeb v Bulharsku.
SCHOLZ, Petr, ČERVOVÁ, Lenka, JANEČEK, Petr, LINDEROVÁ, Ivica. Green Management Implementation – a Case of the Bulgarian Hotel Market. E+M. Ekonomie a Management [online]. 2022, roč. XXV, č. 1, s. 177–194. eISSN 2336-5064. ISSN 1212-3609. DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2022-1-011
Q4 I IF: 1.446

Jan Švec: Labour transfers as a means of 'civilizing' and forcibly assimilating ethnic minorities in western China
Článek poskytuje podpůrné důkazy o organizovaných přesunech pracovních sil turkických menšin, především Ujgurů, ze Sin-ťiangu do jiných oblastí v Číně.
ŠVEC, Jan. Labour transfers as a means of ‚civilizing‘ and forcibly assimilating ethnic minorities in western China. Central Asian Survey [online]. 2022, č. 13 Apr, s. 1–2. eISSN 1465-3354. ISSN 0263-4937. DOI: 10.1080/02634937.2022.2054950.
Q3 I IF: 2.208

Ayaz Zeynalov, Mehmet Ugur a Edna Solomon: Leverage, competition and financial distress hazard: Implications for capital structure in the presence of agency costs
UGUR, Mehmet, SOLOMON, Edna, ZEYNALOV, Ayaz. Leverage, competition and financial distress hazard: Implications for capital structure in the presence of agency costs. Economic Modelling [online]. 2022, roč. 108, č. čl. 105740. ISSN 0264-9993. DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2021.105740.
Q3 I IF: 3.127

Jaroslav Weinfurter: The spandrels of urban security: extending the formalist turn in security studies
WEINFURTER, Jaroslav. The spandrels of urban security: extending the formalist turn in security studies. Journal of International Relations and Development [online]. 2022, roč. 25, s. 450–475. eISSN 1581-1980. ISSN 1408-6980. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-021-00247-7.
Q3 I IF: 2.200

Zbyněk Dubský, Daniel Pavliňák a Lukáš Tichý: A quantifiable approach to the selection of criteria and indexation for comparison of the gas pipeline projects leading to the EU: Diversification rationality against securitisation?
Článek identifikuje ekonomická a politická kritéria pro srovnání možností projektů plynovodu a formuluje metodický rámec vytvořením indexu pro hodnocení a srovnání jednotlivých projektů.
DUBSKÝ, Zbyněk, TICHÝ, Lukáš, PAVLIŇÁK, Daniel. A quantifiable approach to the selection of criteria and indexation for comparison of the gas pipeline projects leading to the EU: Diversification rationality against securitisation? Energy [online]. 2021, roč. 225, č. čl. 120238, s. 1–9. ISSN 0360-5442. DOI: 10.1016/
Q1 I IF: 6.082

Pantea Smaranda, Isabela Manelici: Industrial policy at work: Evidence from Romania’s income tax break for workers in IT
Článek studuje důsledky průmyslové politiky určené k podpoře rozvoje IT sektoru v Rumunsku na úrovni firmy a sektoru.
MANELICI, Isabela, PANTEA, Smaranda. Industrial policy at work: Evidence from Romania’s income tax break for workers in IT. European Economic Review [online]. 2021, roč. 133, č. April, č. čl. 103674, s. 1–27. ISSN 0014-2921. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2021.103674.
Q1 I IF: 1.744

Smaranda Pantea: Self-employment in the EU: quality work, precarious work or both?
Článek odhaduje rozdíly v příjmech mezi osobami samostatně výdělečně činnými a zaměstnanci v EU s využitím statistických dat Evropské unie o příjmech a životních podmínkách domácností (EU-SILC) a metod kvantilní regrese.
PANTEA, Smaranda. Self-employment in the EU: quality work, precarious work or both? Small Business Economics [online]. 2021, č. 26 November, s. 1–18. ISSN 0921-898X. DOI: 10.1007/s11187-020-00423-y.
Q1 I IF: 4.803

Zbyněk Dubský: Russian energy discourse on the V4 countries
Článek se zabývá energetickými vztahy Ruské federace a zeměmi V4. Cílem je analyzovat a interpretovat obsah a hlavní témata ruského energetického diskurzu o energetických vztazích se zeměmi V4 a ruské vnímání zemí V4 v letech 2008–2018.
TICHÝ, Lukáš, DUBSKÝ, Zbyněk. Russian energy discourse on the V4 countries. Energy Policy [online]. 2020, roč. 137, č. 2, s. 1–12. ISSN 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111128.
Q1 D2 I IF: 5.042

Petr Šauer, Lucie Nencková: Disposal behaviour of Czech consumers towards textile products
NENCKOVÁ, Lucie, PECÁKOVÁ, Iva, ŠAUER, Petr. Disposal behaviour of Czech consumers towards textile products. Waste Management [online]. 2020, č. 106, s. 71–76. ISSN 0956-053X. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.03.001.
Q1 I IF: 5.448

Jeremy Alan Garlick: The dragon dithers: assessing the cautious implementation of China's Belt and Road Initiative in Iran
Článek využívá analyticky eklektický rámec k prozkoumání záznamů čínské ekonomické aktivity v Íránu od příchodu iniciativy Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) v roce 2013.
GARLICK, Jeremy, HAVLOVÁ, Radka. The dragon dithers: assessing the cautious implemenation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Iran. Eurasian Geography and Economics [online]. 2020. ISSN: 1538-7216. eISSN: 1938-2863. DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1822197

Radka Druláková, Štěpánka Zemanová: Why the implementation of multilateral sanctions does (not) work: lessons learnt from the Czech Republic.
Článek prezentuje výsledky jediné případové studie o provádění sankcí OSN v České republice od 90. let do současnosti.
DRULÁKOVÁ, Radka, ZEMANOVÁ, Štěpánka. Why the implementation of multilateral sanctions does (not) work: lessons learned from the Czech Republic. European Security [online]. 2020, roč. 29, č. 23. 5., s. 1–21. eISSN 1746-1545. ISSN 0966-2839. DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2020.1766448.
Q4 I IF: 1.698

Karel B. Müller, Kamil Fleissner: Cross-border cooperation in the triangle Euroregions Nisa and Šumava from the perspective of mayors and mayoresses
FRÁNĚ, Luděk, KNÝ, Daniel, MÜLLER, Karel B., FLEISSNER, Kamil. Cross-border cooperation in the triangle Euroregions Nisa and Šumava from the perspective of mayors and mayoresses. Geografie [online]. 2020, roč. 125, č. 2, s. 243–269. eISSN 2571-421X. ISSN 1212-0014. DOI: 10.37040/geografie2020125020243.
Q4 I 0.957

Petr Šauer, Antonín Dvořák, Lucie Nencková: Introducing Circular Economy in Small Municipalities: Methodology and a Case of Sewage Sludge Composting.
ŠAUER, Petr, DVOŘÁK, Antonín, PRÁŠEK, Jan, HADRABOVÁ, Alena, NENCKOVÁ, Lucie. Introducing Circular Economy in Small Municipalities: Methodology and a Case of Sewage Sludge Composting. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 2020, roč. 21, č. 3, s. 1127–1135. ISSN 1311-5065.
Q4 I IF: 0.692

Zeynalov Ayaz: Forecasting tourist arrivals: Google Trends meets mixed-frequency data.
Tento článek zkoumá užitečnost údajů Google Trends při předpovídání měsíčních příjezdů turistů a přenocování v Praze v období od ledna 2010 do prosince 2016.
HAVRANEK, Tomas, ZEYNALOV, Ayaz. Forecasting tourist arrivals: Google Trends meets mixed-frequency data. Tourism Economics [online]. 2019, roč. 25, č. 10.10. 20 s. eISSN 2044-0375. ISSN 1354-8166. DOI: 10.1177/1354816619879584.
Q3 I IF: 1.819

Jeremy Alan Garlick: China's Economic Diplomacy in Central and Eastern Europe: A Case of Offensive Mercantilism?
GARLICK, Jeremy Alan. China’s Economic Diplomacy in Central and Eastern Europe: A Case of Offensive Mercantilism? Europe-Asia Studies [online]. 2019, roč. 71, č. 8, s. 1390–1414. eISSN 1465-3427. ISSN 0966-8136. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2019.1648764.
Q3 I IF: 0.883

Jeremy Alan Garlick: China's principal-agent problem in the Czech Republic: the curious case of CEFC
GARLICK, Jeremy Alan. China’s principal-agent problem in the Czech Republic: the curious case of CEFC. Asia Europe Journal [online]. 2019, roč. 17, č. 4, s. 437–451. eISSN 1612-1031. ISSN 1610-2932. DOI: 10.1007/s10308-019-00565-z.
Q4 I IF: 1.208

Jana Vlčková, Sarbani Bublu Thakur-Weigold
VLČKOVÁ, Jana, THAKUR-WEIGOLD, Sarbani Bublu. Global value chains in the MedTech industry: A comparison of Switzerland and the Czech Republic. International Journal of Emerging Markets [online]. 2019, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 70–92. ISSN 1746-8809. DOI: 10.1108/IJOEM-05-2017-0179.
Q4 I IF: 1.022

Lhotáková Markéta: Dietary patterns, cost and compliance with low-protein diet of phenylketonuria and other inherited metabolic diseases
MLČOCH, Tomáš, PUDA, Radek, JEŠINA, Pavel, LHOTÁKOVÁ, Markéta, ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Šárka, DOLEŽAL, Tomáš. Dietary patterns, cost and compliance with low-protein diet of phenylketonuria and other inherited metabolic diseases. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition [online]. 2018, roč. 72, č. 1, s. 87–92. eISSN 1476-5640. ISSN 0954-3007. DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2017.102.
Q2 I 3.114

Jeremy Alan Garlick: Deconstructing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Pipe Dreams Versus Geopolitical Realities
GARLICK, Jeremy Alan. Deconstructing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Pipe Dreams Versus Geopolitical Realities. Journal of Contemporary China [online]. 2018, roč. 27, č. 112, s. 519–533. eISSN 1469-9400. ISSN 1067-0564. DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1433483.
Q2 I IF: 1.867

Karel B. Müller: Active Borders and Transnationalization of the Public Sphere in Europe: Examining Territorial and Symbolic Borders as a Source of Democratic Integration, Positive Identity, and Civic Learning
Tento článek naznačuje, že s teritoriálními i symbolickými hranicemi je třeba zacházet jako s konkrétními kulturními formami, které umožňují výkon a praxi přeshraniční komunikace. Pojem aktivní hranice je zaveden jako spojnice transnacionalizace veřejných sfér a identit v Evropě.
MÜLLER, Karel B.. Active Borders and Transnationalization of the Public Sphere in Europe: Examining Territorial and Symbolic Borders as a Source of Democratic Integration, Positive Identity, and Civic Learning. Alternatives [online]. 2018, roč. 43, č. 3, s. 119–136. eISSN 2163-3150. ISSN 0304-3754. DOI: 10.1177/0304375418822894.
Q4 I IF: 0.320

Ilya Bolotov: Some Effects of Intellectual Property Protection on National Economies: Theoretical and Econometric Study
Tato práce si klade za cíl teoreticky odvodit a poté ekonometricky posoudit dopad ochrany duševního vlastnictví na národní ekonomiky.
Evan, T., Vozárová, P., & Bolotov, I. (2018). Some Effects of Intellectual Property Protection on National Economies: Theoretical and Econometric Study. Prague Economic Papers, 27(1), 73-91. doi: 10.18267/j.pep.644.
Q4 I IF: 0.629